Tuesday June 21
Pre School Story Time
10 a.m. Cost: $2.00 Per Child

Our story this week is "Lizzie and the Last Day of School" written by Trinka Hakes Noble. "Lizzie loves school more than anything. After starting first grade, she mistakenly thinks it will last a full year and is dismayed when it ends in June. Luckily her first grade teacher applies to teach summer school"
Our Every Child Ready to Read is Letter Knowledge. Each page shows how each letter is different and how each letter combined with other letters forms each word.
Please join us for this cute story. Call 705-295-6814 for more information.
Our Every Child Ready to Read is Letter Knowledge. Each page shows how each letter is different and how each letter combined with other letters forms each word.
Please join us for this cute story. Call 705-295-6814 for more information.